Daryl Green (former Fellow Librarian, Magdalen College):
Daryl worked as Fellow Librarian at Magdalen College until February 2020. During his time at Magdalen, he curated a number of successful exhibitions, including the very popular Lawrence of Oxford exhibition that this portal is based on. This exhibition was one of the most popular ever held in Magdalen’s Old Library and Daryl expanded its reach by organising a comprehensive and well-attended events programme to accompany it. After the exhibition ended, he co-wrote an exhibition catalogue, which can be purchased from Magdalen’s Home Bursary. Since March 2020, Daryl has worked as Head of Special Collections at the University of Edinburgh.
Dr Rory McCarthy (former Fellow by Examination, Magdalen College):
Dr Rory McCarthy was a Fellow by Examination at Magdalen College when he became a curator for the physical Lawrence of Oxford exhibition. His expert knowledge of the politics of the Middle East was instrumental in the research process for the exhibition and its text. He is now Assistant Professor in Politics and Islam at the School of Government and International Affairs at Durham University, where he works on social movements, contentious politics, and Islamism in the Middle East and North Africa.
William Shire (former Assistant Librarian, Magdalen College):
Will joined Magdalen College in August 2019 and started working to support the library’s programme of exhibitions straight away. As he is passionate about using technology to support the library’s exhibition and event programmes, he very much enjoyed working on this exhibition. For Lawrence at Magdalen, Will helped to edit and design the online site, creating the first four tabs of the portal and the ‘Further Research’ tab. As part of this work, he worked on digitisations, assisted with the administration of image rights, and abridged the text from the physical exhibition catalogue to make it suitable for online publication.
Dr Lucy Smith (Wilson Project Archivist, Magdalen College):
Lucy joined Magdalen College in April 2020 to catalogue the archive of T.E. Lawrence’s biographer, Jeremy Wilson. She came to the project with a strong interest in literary archives and the early twentieth-century. Lucy helped edit and design the Lawrence at Magdalen site, working on the Wilson and Hogarth Archive pages and regularly contributes to the site blog with updates on highlights from the Wilson Archive. She also runs the Wilson Archive Twitter account.
Dr Charlotte Berry, former Archivist & Records Manager, Magdalen College
Dr Lucy Gwynn, Librarian, Magdalen College
Hogarth family, for donating the D. G. Hogarth Papers (P452)
Justin Huscher (R.S. 1978-80) and Hilarie Huscher, for funding the purchase of the Jeremy Wilson Papers (P450)
Harry and Alice Stillman Foundation, for funding the Wilson Archive Project
T.E. Lawrence Society for their ongoing involvement and support
Ben Taylor, former Hogarth Project Archivist, Magdalen College
Nicole Wilson, for her continued assistance with the Wilson Archive Project
Peter Kessler, for assistance with editing the exhibition pages
Design & Editorial:
Website layout by One Ltd.; editing and design by William Shire, Assistant Librarian, Magdalen College, and Dr Lucy Smith, Wilson Project Archivist, Magdalen College.
Image Credits:
The following images are used under a Creative Commons License:
Oxford skyline:
Jesus College:
Middle Eastern Desert picture:
Clouds Hill:
Blog Image Credits:
J.B. Priestley: